Documenting Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful and special moment in your life. However, I understand that not every pregnancy is like the other. Some parents love being pregnant, some feel great during their pregnancy, while others feel sick, sore, and emotional during theirs. Some pregnancies are higher-risk while others are a walk in the park. Some of the pregnancies happen swiftly, while others have taken years of visitations to fertility clinics. Some parents feel beautiful during their pregnancy, while others might not feel so great about their changing bodies. Every pregnancy is unique, just like every person is unique.

You might not feel the most glamorous in your pregnancy or perhaps don’t even want to think about having your photo taken. But trust me when I say, that these are the moments that you want to be able to look back on to. I will do everything I can, as your professional photographer, to make you feel comfortable throughout.

So what does comfortable look like? It might be in a full face of makeup in a gorgeous outfit, but it doesn’t have to be. It can also be in a nice and warm studio while holding a cup of tea and playing relaxing music. It can be a moment with just yourself, taking the time to really connect with your pregnancy. Or it could be a beautiful moment with your partner, celebrating the love within your family. Or perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to also have your other kids come along for those adorable ‘’let's kiss the belly photos’’.

No matter what comfortable looks like to you; we can, and will, create the perfect environment; just for you.

I truly believe that every pregnancy is so beautiful in its own way, but I do realise that it is not always as easy as that for everyone. There are a lot of body-image expectations being put on you when you are pregnant. I think we all know those glamorous photos where we instantly think ‘’yeah right, that is not reality’’. Let's not even start talking about the ‘’ You need to gain weight for a certain amount, but not too much in your pregnancy’’ or ‘’ how to lose weight two weeks after giving birth’’. I see you, I hear you, and I share your frustration beyond belief at these statements. Your maternity session is about connecting with your body and telling the story of what it's been like to be pregnant in your body. There are no expectations, my only mission is to make you feel enabled to embrace yourself, just as you are, in this very special moment

You deserve nothing else, but love and support, in your wonderful unique pregnancy.  


Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality


Marieke Captures Studio